Article 22215

Title of the article



Pavlova Inna Dmitrievna, Postgraduate student, Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov 
(77 Politekhnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. In conditions of an economic crisis there occur negative trends, causing the population’s standard of living to decline, therefore there is a question about determination of boundaries of this decline and about the decent living standard. The aim of work is to expose the conception of the decent living standard of population and to estimate realization thereof in Russia.
Materials and methods. The author used an interdisciplinary approach to consider formation of the conception of the decent living standard, that, first of all, covers legal and economic aspects. The researcher apllied the methods of ascension from the abstract to the concrete, the unity of the general and the specific, the analysis of statistical data testifying to the process of realization of the conception of the decent living standard of Russians.
Results. The article shows the correlation of the conception of the decent living standard with the conception of the decent labour of the International labour organization and the conception of the social state. The decent living standard is a sort of reference point to be aspired to. It presupposes not just provision of labor force reproduction, but also development of the human personality.
Conclusions. In Russia, from a practical point of view, formation and realization of the conception of the decent living standard is at the early stage, which is proved by the aggravating inequality of profits, the remaining gap between the subsistence level and the minimum wage, that require adjustment of the public incomes policy.

Key words

conception, decent standard of living, deecent labour, social state, profits of population, personal needs

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 14:01
Дата обновления: 12.10.2015 08:32